• After a good harvest of industrial hemp, how to dry and cure it well is a very important step. The traditional drying method is hang drying, which is slow to dry, generally takes about 5-15 days, and the humidity and temperature of the environment will affect the drying speed. This method can be used for small-scale producers.

  • We all know that the cannabinoids are light, heat, and oxygen-sensitive. So while ensuring the quality of drying, is it possible for us to improve the drying efficiency and shorten the drying time?

    Cannabis can be quickly processed with dry-ice through freeze-drying
    , this is a good choice. The process of freeze drying is carried out at low temperature and low pressure, and the water directly sublimates, so it is especially suitable for heat-sensitive substances, which can make the heat-sensitive materials dry and keep the heat-sensitive components. Therefore, the freeze-drying
    technology has been widely praised in the field of hemp drying, not only because it is simple to operate by PLC automatic control system, to avoid pollution, and to dry quickly, but also to obtain the following advantages.

    1. Preserve the color, aroma and taste of hemp to the greatest extent, such as natural pigments of hemp remain unchanged, the loss of various cannabinoids can be reduced to a minimum.

    2. Operating under vacuum and low temperature, the growth of microorganisms and the action of enzymes are inhibited.

    3. Complete dehydration.

    4. Since operating under vacuum, there is very little oxygen, so some easily oxidized substances (such as oils and fats) are protected.

    5. The freeze-drying
    method can exclude more than 95% to 99% of water, and the hemp can be stored for a long time without deterioration.

  • Hemp drying and curing are integral in successfully moving plants from harvest to sale.If you’re looking for a consistent and effective way to dry perfectly for edibles, shatters, oils, waxes and all concentrates? Contact [email protected]
     to get fast turnkey solution customize. TOPTION will be your TOP OPTION.

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